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Code of Conduct
CHCP Code of Conduct
CHCP Commission shall:
Conduct business according to standards established by the Alliance Board of Directors.
Persons who sit for a CHCP examination shall:
Agree to maintain the confidentially of the examination content and never disclose examination content to others. Prohibited conduct includes disclosure of exam content; removal of exam materials from the examination room; copying by photography or electronically, use of audio recording equipment, or any other means that could be used to transfer the content to others.
Attest to their identity as the registered examinee, and not represent anyone other than themselves in the taking of the exam.
Attest that the work and selections made on the examination are theirs and theirs alone.
Certified Healthcare CPD Professionals (CHCPs) shall:
Conduct their business and professional activities with honesty and integrity, and respect the inherent worth of all persons.
Consistently maintain and improve professional knowledge and competence, striving for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal and professional strengths and weaknesses; and through continuous education and training.
Represent their profession ethically and honorably.
Conduct that is detrimental to the CHCP certification program may result in revocation of CHCP certification. Examples of detrimental conduct include but are not limited to dishonesty, misrepresentation of professional qualifications, and illegal acts leading to felony conviction.
No certification shall be revoked unless the CHCP concerned is notified by certified mail of the intent of CHCP and has an opportunity for a hearing before the Standards Committee.
Follow all policies, procedures, guidelines and requirements promulgated by the CHCP, as published in the Candidates Handbook.
Safeguard the confidentiality of all information proprietary to CHCP.
Represent their qualifications honestly, including educational achievements and professional affiliations.
Refuse to discriminate against clients, employees, and job applicants.
Refuse any gifts or benefits that are intended to influence a referral or decision.
Avoid any interest, activity or influence that might be in conflict with the individual's obligation to act in the best interests of the public.