The Alliance is a community dedicated to connecting healthcare education professionals to promote best practices that improve patient care. To help achieve this, we collect information on research proposals and grants offered through other healthcare-related organizations. If your company is interested in posting a request for grant applications, please contact the Alliance Business Office at
AbbVie is committed to supporting independent, high-quality evidence-based education with the most up-to-date information on current, new, and emerging therapies. This helps to expand knowledge, competence, and performance to improve quality of care for patients and support the elimination of health care disparities in underserved patient populations.
In addition to grant funding requests received and reviewed throughout the year, we may periodically announce a Call for Grants that will align to specific needs and identified educational gaps.
Please visit for more information on current opportunities and for our therapeutic areas of interest.
Click here to view current Open Calls for Grant Applications.
Alkermes supports continuing medical education with grants for educational activities focused on pragmatic approaches to improving patient care and public health. We hope to contribute to an improved understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the diseases we research and their relevance to medications, as well as psychosocial interventions.
Click here to view current grant proposals.
Amicus Therapeutics
Amicus Therapeutics is committed to supporting high quality independent medical education (IME) that narrows unmet educational needs and improves healthcare provider knowledge, competence and performance. IME supported by Amicus is intended to ultimately improve the outcomes of patients with rare and orphan diseases.
In keeping with our core mission: “We live to innovate - and do so at every step”, argenx is committed to supporting innovative, high quality, objective, scientifically accurate and fair-balanced independent medical education (IME) initiatives through unrestricted educational grants. We support continuing professional development (CPD) of healthcare professionals (HCPs) to develop knowledge and skills that will drive improvements in patient care. For information about our grants process, please click here.
Click here to view open CGAs. If you have any questions please contact Astellas IME/IPE at
To view open RFPs and complete details regarding grant submission, please visit AstraZeneca IME website: Please submit any questions regarding RFPs to
Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is now part of AstraZeneca. Click here to learn more about Alexion’s grant submission process and requirements.
1. View open Alexion RFP here.
Therapeutic Area of Interest: Nephrology - atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
Deadline: March 28, 2025
To view open RFPs, please click here.
Biogen is committed to advancing disease education and improving patient care through consideration of grant proposals for independent medical education activities. For information on Biogen's submission process and areas of interest, please visit Biogen's Grants & Giving website.
Boehringer Ingelheim
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BIPI) is committed to supporting innovative, high quality, independent medical education for healthcare professionals that narrows unmet medical needs, maintains clinical excellence, and aims to improve patient health outcomes in BIPI’s therapeutic areas of interest.
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Bristol-Myers Squibb accepts funding requests within the following therapeutic areas of interest. As areas of interest and funding consideration may change periodically, please consult this website frequently. Please note that international funding opportunities may differ.
- Cardiovascular
- Immunoscience
- Oncology
- Virology
- Genetically Defined / Rare Diseases
View Request for Proposals / for Education
This RFP packet is a call for continuous independent medical education grant submissions in specific areas for Daiichi Sankyo’s 2025 Fiscal Year (April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026). As the year progresses, Daiichi Sankyo may communicate updates and/or publish additional time-limited RFPs for specific educational projects in particular tumor areas.
Daiichi Sankyo’s Educational Vision: To be a trusted leader in accelerating the integration of clinical evidence into practice by igniting learning and medical proficiency to elevate patient care. Daiichi Sankyo believes effective education is a path toward accelerating best, personalized evidence into clinical practice for the best interest of patients. Our commitment is to make grant funding available for independent, fair, balanced and scientifically accurate medical education initiatives that receive no influence from our organization in either submission, design, or implementation.
Our areas of committed educational funding are related to various:
- HER2 tumors
- TROP2 tumors
- Hematologic malignancies (AML)
- B7-H3 Expressing Cancers
- Cadherin 6 Expressing Cancers
- Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumors (TGCT)
Please submit any questions regarding this RFP packet to
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly is committed to supporting high-quality education that provides healthcare professionals with evidence-based, clinically relevant content that advances learners’ knowledge, competence, and performance to ultimately impact patient care. Lilly also supports quality improvement initiatives to address system-level barriers to improve patient outcomes. For more information about the Lilly Grant Office, please visit
Please be advised that the IME Budget Template is now available through the LGO portal. If your proposal is a full CE/CME grant or includes one or more CE/CME activities, please utilize this template.
Emergent BioSolutions
At Emergent, our mission is to protect and enhance life and we recognize the value that third-party independent medical education can bring to fulfilling this mission. Emergent is committed to supporting third-party continuing medical education that is high-quality, un-biased, and evidence-based to further expand the scientific and clinical knowledge of the disease states and therapeutic areas in which we are focused.
For more information or to request an IME Request Form to submit a grant request, please contact
Genentech is seeking to support learning initiatives that demonstrate a strategy that evolves knowledge-based medical education into a "healthcare Improvement" initiative that accelerates the awareness and application of evidence-based medicine, resulting in appropriate care for patients and relevant, measurable, clinical outcomes.
To view opportunities and complete details regarding grant submission, please visit Genentech.
To view current opportunities, please visit Gilead.
Grail LLC
GRAIL LLC is committed to funding innovative and impactful Independent Medical Education to support practicing healthcare professionals and the communities of care that they manage within our areas of interest. For more information about the GRAIL Independent Medical Education Program, please visit
As part of GSK's mission to get ahead of disease together, GSK identifies and funds innovative, high-quality, independent third-party educational initiatives that are designed to close healthcare professional (HCP) educational, quality, and performance gaps - with the ultimate goals to reduce healthcare disparities, improve patient health, and enhance patient quality of life.
More details regarding GSK's US Independent Medical Education (IME) process, including our Call for Grant Applications (CGA), is available on our GSK US IME website.
Illumina, Inc.
Illumina is committed to the advancement of medicine and improvement of patient care by increasing awareness of the utility of genomics in medicine.
Please visit our website for information about our education and research endeavors, and to access optional templates that can be used for submission.
Indivior supports independent medical education activities that provide for an increased understanding of scientific, clinical, or healthcare issues related to the company's therapeutic areas of interest.
Therapeutic areas of interest:
- Opioid Use Disorder
- Schizophrenia
To view open RFPs and complete details regarding grant submission, please visit the following site on a regular basis:
Insmed Incorporated
Insmed has funding to support independent accredited education intended to improve clinician knowledge, competence, and performance in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Nontuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) Lung Disease. Please refer to for grant submission requirements. For additional questions about the CGA process please contact Insmed Medical Education at
Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Jazz Pharmaceuticals is committed to improving patient outcomes and providing support in compliance with local regulations. The Jazz grant management system is currently accepting requests for medical education meetings, conferences, or symposia; medical center grand rounds lectures; fellowships; enduring medical education activities; and similar educational activities. In Europe and Rest of World (EU/RoW) the system is also accepting requests for goods (such as books, printing, materials, equipment) and services (such as administrative support, personnel, and tools).
Therapeutic areas of interest:
- Neuroscience
- Hematology/Oncology
View Request for Application (RFA)
Any questions can be directed to Jazz's Medical Education Grants email address ( Please visit our website for additional information.
Karyopharm Therapeutics
Karyopharm Therapeutics® Inc. (Karyopharm) is committed to supporting independent medical education on new and emerging therapies in the following therapeutic areas: Multiple Myeloma (MM), Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Myelofibrosis (MF) and Endometrial Cancer. For information on Karyopharm's submission process, please visit Karyopharm's Grants & Giving Website.
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes the benefits of measure development by external stakeholders with specific knowledge of clinician and patient perspectives and needs, such as clinical specialty societies, clinical professional organizations, patient advocacy organizations, educational institutions, independent research organizations, health systems, and other entities.
On March 2, 2018, CMS published the "Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) Funding Opportunity: Measure Development for the Quality Payment Program" on The purpose of this Funding Opportunity is to provide technical and funding assistance in the form of cooperative agreements to entities to develop, improve, update, or expand quality measures for use in the Quality Payment Program (QPP).
For more information and to see the 'Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) Funding Opportunity: Measure Development for the Quality Payment Program' search by the title or the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, 93.986 on
Merck & Co, Inc.
Merck supports quality independent medical education (IME) for healthcare professionals designed to help improve patient health outcomes, across a variety of scientific/therapeutic areas.
Please review request(s) for proposals for IME, and submit all related requests through our grant portal:
To view open RFPs, please visit
Should you have any questions, please contact the Novartis Office of Grants & Education: or Sofia Yang, PharmD:
1. The Novartis Office of Grants & Education will accept grant proposals to address educational needs for HCPs related to Sjögren’s Disease.
Further details of the RFP can be seen here.
To respond to this RFP, please complete an Independent Medical Education grant application via
Should you have any questions, please contact the Novartis Office of Grants & Education:
Novo Nordisk Inc.
Novo Nordisk is committed to supporting independent medical education (IME) programs that meet the educational needs of health care professionals (HCPs), patients and the community in ways that measurably grow their knowledge and skills to optimize care.
Please visit our website and log in to apply for educational grant funding, access the IME Funding Document that provides information about educational priorities and available funding across our therapeutic areas of interest, and view open Request for Proposals (RFPs)/Call for Concept Proposals (CCPs). Email questions to
Pfizer Inc.
Pfizer supports the global healthcare community’s independent initiatives (e.g., research, quality improvement or education) to improve patient outcomes in areas of unmet medical need that are aligned with Pfizer’s medical and/or scientific strategies.
Pfizer’s competitive grant program involves a publicly posted Request for Proposal (RFP) that provides detail regarding a specific area of interest and sets timelines for review and approval. Organizations are invited to submit an application addressing the specific gaps in research, practice or care as outlined in the specific RFP. The grant requester (and ultimately the grantee) is responsible for the design, implementation, sponsorship, and conduct of the independent initiative supported by the grant, including compliance with any regulatory requirements.
Puma Biotechnology
Puma Biotechnology aims to improve the knowledge of the medical community and thereby advance medicine and healthcare through supporting grants for Independent Medical Education.
In addition to funding requests received and reviewed throughout the year, Puma may periodically announce a Call for Grants that will align with specific needs and identified educational gaps.
To view opportunities and submit a grant request, please visit Puma Independent Medical Education.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Regeneron proudly supports non-promotional educational funding to eligible organizations for the purpose of advancing scientific knowledge, clinical skills, and professional performance for the medical and scientific communities with the goal of improving patient care. In addition to unsolicited grant requests received and reviewed throughout the year, Regeneron may post a Call for Grant Applications (CGA) aligned to specific needs. Areas of interest and funding considerations may change periodically. Please visit the educational funding request portal for more information.
Sage Therapeutics
Our mission at Sage Therapeutics is to pioneer solutions to deliver life-changing brain health medicines, so that every person can thrive. Where possible, Sage seeks to support educational initiatives that align with our areas of interest. Please visit Sage Funding & Giving for information about our current educational areas of interest and the required submission process.
To view and respond to open RFPs, please go to:
Seagen is committed to supporting innovative independent medical education (IME) for healthcare professionals and patients. We provide grants in support of accredited and unaccredited medical education programs that address unmet medical needs, foster clinical excellence, and improve health outcomes. At the moment, we seek to support medical and patient education in the following therapeutic areas:
- Breast cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Hodgkin lymphoma (United States and Canada only)
- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (United States and Canada only)
- Urothelial carcinoma
Click here to apply.
Other grant opportunities - Investigator Sponsored Reseach: Health Outcomes
Shionogi Inc.
Shionogi accepts funding requests within the following therapeutic areas of interest.
The call for grants (CFG) opportunities will change on a quarterly basis. Please consult our website to identify current opportunities.
Takeda supports the education of Healthcare professionals relating to its therapeutic areas of interest through its grants program. Takeda is open to unsolicited grant requests, submitted at anytime during the year. Takeda also will post Call for Grant Applications (CGA's), from time to time throughout the year. You can find the Takeda medical education grants portal here: For any questions regarding Takeda medical education grants, please email:
TRC Healthcare
TRC Healthcare (TRC), the creators of Pharmacist's Letter, is committed to helping clinicians and healthcare professionals make safe, effective, and efficient medication decisions.
To learn more about TRC and view open RFPs, please visit TRC Healthcare.
Travere Therapeutics
Travere Therapeutics is a biopharmaceutical company whose mission is to identify, develop and deliver life-changing therapies to people living with rare diseases.
To learn more, please visit Travere Therapeutics.
VBI Vaccines Inc
VBI Vaccines Inc. (VBI) is a biopharmaceutical company driven by immunology in the pursuit of powerful prevention and treatment of disease. Aligned with our mission to target and overcome significant infectious diseases, we are committed to supporting the healthcare community's ability to improve patient outcomes related to the prevention of hepatitis B.
Please submit any questions to
- Gram-negative multidrug-resistant infectious disease (ID)
- Thrombocytopenia associated with chronic liver disease (CLD)
- Opioid-induced Constipation (OIC)