One of my personal mantras is “Decision are made by those who show up”. I stand here to show up, stand up, and serve the community that has enriched me personally and professionally. Engagement, relevance, and empowerment of our membership across all levels of experience, member sections, and interest groups powered by the passion and commitment to continuing education in healthcare professionals constitutes the bedrock of a strong Alliance. This also creates fertile ground for those seeking to build, nurture, and embrace successful careers in our field. For over 20 years, my own career path rising from a coordinator’s role to manager, then director, senior director, and now independent accreditation professional consultant, is in part thanks to the Alliance. As a proud CE nerd, I am a strong advocate for accreditation and compliance. There is no better platform for giving back to the profession and contributing to the development of future continuing education in healthcare professionals than service as a member of the Alliance’s governing Board of Directors.
Since 2016, I have actively served in several volunteer roles with the Alliance as member and Chair of the CHCP Eligibility Committee. Additionally, I serve as a member of the CHCP Commission. Championing the CHCP credential is important as it is the mark of assessment of competency for the standards of the HCP CE/CPD profession. However, the Alliance stands at the crossroads for this credential. The time has come for the community to commit to its validation, and the Alliance is well-positioned to boost, bolster, and solidify this credential as the industry’s bona fides as well as coveted pathway for professionals to establish and hone their skills, strategies, and performance.
As a seasoned HCP CE veteran, I have personally experienced and witnessed the value individuals and organizations receive from undergoing professional accreditation and compliance. This experience has been gained as a leader and from the trenches. I have served as a peer reviewer or surveyor for the ACCME, ACPE, and Joint Accreditation, and I have guided two different organizations in achieving Joint Accreditation with Commendation. Along the way, I have written volumes of grant proposals, posters, evaluations, self-studies, structured abstracts, recruited faculty, entered, and analyzed data for outcomes, reports, drafted poster and session proposals, printed more syllabi and program books than I can count, set up websites, navigated at least 6 different Learning Management Systems, and handled just about every kind of meeting and event logistic imagined. And I’ve loved (almost!) every moment.
These cumulative experiences, along with strategic planning skills developed over the course of my career have prepared me for this next step. It is my affection and passion for HCP CE/CPD that I embrace that drives me to seek this new role for service and leadership with the Alliance and for giving back to the community and profession that has supported me so well.