Code of Ethics


The Alliance represents a community of continuing education professionals who share and implement best practices across healthcare settings, to validate the impact of continuous learning, enhance clinical performance and improve health outcomes.

Declaration of Values

Continuing education professionals conduct their work honestly and with integrity. We clearly and respectfully communicate with our colleagues and all members of the healthcare team. Continuing education professionals exhibit a commitment to continuous learning and change, always oriented to improving patient outcomes. We engage with any and all stakeholders in advocating for the principles that govern our work.

Declaration of Principles

  • CE professionals advance health care delivery by enabling and supporting learners to apply the latest evidence in the service of better patient outcomes.
  • CE professionals accomplish this by developing and supporting activities that help learners meet educational needs, including interprofessional activities designed to advance patient safety, teamwork, and quality improvement.
  • CE professionals engage and support learners in their own professional development and promote collaborative practice.
  • CE professionals promote the value of continuing education and through our practice, protect the integrity of the continuing education enterprise.
  • CE professionals participate as essential stakeholders in the legal, regulatory and ethical framework that governs the continuing education enterprise.
  • CE professionals embrace the social justice dimensions of our work, as a matter of mutual obligation, pursuing equity and fairness in all our interactions with patients, clinicians and stakeholder organizations.