January 24, 2025, celebrates Healthcare Continuing Education Professionals DayTM, a day dedicated to celebrating the professionals who ensure that healthcare providers stay informed, competent, and capable of delivering the best possible care to their patients. Healthcare continuing education professionals play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare by fostering lifelong learning and professional development.
Plan Your Celebrations
Celebrate Healthcare Continuing Education Professionals Day with these fun and meaningful activities:
HOST AN AWARDS CEREMONY to recognize the outstanding CPD professionals in your department and their contributions to healthcare.
ORGANIZE A SPECIAL LUNCH EVENT where your CPD team can network, share their experiences, and discuss the latest trends in healthcare education.
OFFER WORKSHOPS OR WEBINARS focused on enhancing the skills of your CPD team. Topics can include instructional design, the use of technology in education, and strategies for effective program evaluation.
PLAN A TEAM-BUILDING EXERCISES OR OUTING to foster camaraderie and collaboration among your CPD team in a fun and relaxed environment.
LAUNCH A SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN to highlight the work of CPD professionals. Share posts, videos, and testimonials that celebrate achievements and impact on healthcare. Download our social media toolkit.
Show Us How You Are Celebrating
Share your photos and stories by emailing them to acehp@acehp.org along with a short description so that we can share the fun!
Download and Use HCEP Day Graphics
Simply hover over each image, right click and select 'save image as'.
Participate Year Round With the Alliance
BECOME A MEMBER of the Alliance and join a vibrant community of more than 1,200 healthcare continuing professional development professionals.
PARTICIPATE in online education opportunities hosted by the Alliance and earn valuable continuing education (CE) credits.
SHARE YOUR STORY of how you joined the healthcare CPD industry and what you enjoy most about your role in impacting patient safety or showcase how your department directly impacts patient care or leads to advancements within your organization.
SHARE YOUR EXPERTISE by presenting at educational events like the Alliance Annual Conference. Highlight the positive outcomes and innovations resulting from your continuing education initiatives and share your expertise with the Alliance community.
GET PUBLISHED by submitting an article to the Almanac or The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP) to discuss the importance of continuing education in healthcare and share best practices.
ENGAGE ON SOCIAL MEDIA to share insights, articles, and success stories related to continuing education. Use hashtags like #HealthcareCE, #HealthcareCPD, #LifelongLearning, and #CEProfessionalsDay to reach a broader audience.