Join your fellow CPD industry experts September 16-18 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the 2024 Alliance Industry Summit to discuss the challenges impacting healthcare today and your changing role within the CPD industry. Register is closed.
This year's learning objectives are:
- Evaluate components of a grant proposal to ensure activities address unmet needs that fulfill clinical gaps and barriers to care and align with educational strategy objectives.
- Appraise feasibility of outcomes strategy for proposed educational activities to determine realistic outcomes performance expectations.
- Identify education that employs a personalized learning experience designed to meet the needs of the intended learner audience.
- Develop impactful educational stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of strategy and provide a compelling rationale for future grant funding.
- Discuss the nuances of IME and company led education, including distinct ways in which each type of education supports clinical advancements across their life cycles in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Best in Class Outcomes
Best in Class Outcomes showcase high-quality, outcome-based programs that effectively report the:
- Beneficial impact on clinical practice and adherence to guideline-based care
- Behavior changes demonstrated by healthcare practitioner or/and patient
- Generation of real-world evidence resulting from education that can be replicated and sustained
- Successful use by industry or other financial supporter(s) of outcomes reporting with internal stakeholders and/or additional decision makers
Interim data analyses reflecting the impact of the initiative will be considered, as final outcomes are not required to be selected to present. Any quality/clinical improvement or real world evidence must include analysis of available data. Please note that Best in Class submissions are now closed, and primary authors can expect to hear about acceptances in mid-July.
Thank you to our Sponsors!